
发布时间:2017-08-17 23:06:391、理论意义 2、社会意义三、文艺复兴时期的自然哲学思想文艺复兴另一个历史功绩是 自然的发现 ,表现为自然哲学的思想:对世俗生活的重视必然引起对自然的浓厚兴趣和自然科学的发展。文艺复兴促进了人们对自然科学的研究,使人们开始用科学的方法而不是神学的眼光去面对自然界,为16世纪以哥白尼的天文学为代表的自然科学繁荣打下了基础。因此称文艺复兴带来了 自然的发现 。四、文艺复兴时期的宗教改革运动在文艺复兴即人文主义运动的影响下,在16世纪,欧洲大地上又发生了一场声势浩大的反正统宗教神学革新运动,它就是宗教改革运动。从表面上看,它虽然是宗教内部进行的改革,但是,它实质上是人文主义运动在宗教神学领域的延伸,是新思想文化运动的组成部分,甚至是新兴的 资产阶级革命 (恩格斯语)。它的影响甚至比人文主义更大更深远,因为它具有更广泛的社会群众基础。宗教改革直接的要求是消除教会的权威,便奢侈教会为廉洁教会,而从哲学上看,其内在要求则是由外在的权威返回个人的内心信仰。新的宗教哲学思想是宗教改革的核心。


发布时间:2017-08-26 20:27:151、不同稿件,其共同的 质 的几个表现方面:①稿件皆应有意义;②稿件常常具有意义的流动性;③稿件还有内涵的潜隐性,或者说是 画外音 ;④稿件往往是非系统的、无序的。2、稿件的可传播性有哪些,或者说稿件为什么能够传播?①真实。真实、准确是对新闻稿件最基本的要求。②适时。这里的适时包括两层意思,其一是指新闻报道要及时迅速;其二是指新闻报道要合 时宜 ,即在最合适的时间内报道某 特定的新闻信息。③客观。完全按照事实的客观面貌向受众描述新闻事实、评价事实,这是新闻工作者为之奋斗的目标,也是新闻稿件必备的 品质 之一。应用:结合实例,谈谈不同媒体传播信息的特征。

解放军文职招聘考试Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

发布时间:2017-12-20 22:17:09Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义Giving Life MeaningHave you thought about what you want people to say about you after you re gone? Can you hear the voice saying, He was a great man. Or She really will be missed. What else do they say?One of the strangest phenomena of life is to engage in a work that will last long after death. Isn t that a lot like investing all your money so that future generations can bare interest on it? Perhaps, yet if you look deep in your own heart, you ll find something drives you to make this kind of contribution---something drives every human being to find a purpose that lives on after death.Do you hope to memorialize your name? Have a name that is whispered with reverent awe? Do you hope to have your face carved upon 50 ft of granite rock? Is the answer really that simple? Is the purpose of lifetime contribution an ego-driven desire for a mortal being to have an immortal name or is it something more?A child alive today will die tomorrow. A baby that had the potential to be the next Einstein will die from complication is at birth. The circumstances of life are not set in stone. We are not all meant to live life through to old age. We ve grown to perceive life3 as a full cycle with a certain number of years in between. If all of those years aren t lived out, it s a tragedy. A tragedy because a human s potential was never realized. A tragedy because a spark was snuffed out before it ever became a flame.By virtue of inhabiting a body we accept these risks. We expose our mortal flesh to the laws of the physical environment around us. The trade off isn t so bad when you think about it. The problem comes when we construct mortal fantasies of what life should be like. When life doesn t conform to our fantasy we grow upset, frustrated, or depressed.We are alive; let us live. We have the ability to experience; let us experience. We have the ability to learn; let us learn. The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment. A moment so brief it often evades our perception.What meaning stands behind the dramatic unfolding of life? What single truth can we grasp and hang onto for dear life when all other truths around us seem to fade with time?These moments are strung together in a series we call events. These events are strung together in a series we call life. When we seize the moment and bend it according to our will, a will driven by the spirit deep inside us, then we have discovered the meaning of life, a meaning for us that shall go on long after we depart this Earth.


2020中国人民解放军文职人员招聘考试哲学知识:辩证的否定观(原理)及其方法论意义发布时间:2020-03-06 18:46:05辩证的否定观(原理)及其方法论意义1.原理:辩证的否定是事物的自我否定即事物内部矛盾发展的结果,是事物发展的环节和联系的环节,是扬弃即克服和保留的统一、非连续性和连续性的统一、包含着肯定因素的否定。2.意义:(1)坚持辩证否定观,反对形而上学否定观。形而上学否定观从否定矛盾出发,认为否定是外力强加的外部否定,不承认否定是事物发展和联系的环节,把肯定和否定地对立起来,要么肯定一切,要么否定一切。(2)坚持辩证否定观,对一切事物都要有科学分析态度,既不能肯定一切,也不能否定一切,在对待文化遗产问题上应采取批判继承创新的态度,不能全盘继承和全盘抛弃。