解放军文职招聘考试(四) 观点认同型-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

发布时间:2017-06-11 14:13:10My View on Plastic SurgeryThe past few years have witnessed a mounting number of people undergoing plastic surgery. To this practice, people s attitudes differ considerably. Some applaud it warmly whereas others criticize and even condemn it harshly. Personally, I am opposed to plastic surgery, and I base my position on the following reasons.In the first place, I deem that physical appearances are always of less great importance than inner beauty and practical ability. In the second place, I am definitely opposed to the concept that there is an established norm of beauty. Instead, I hold that beauty, even in the physical sense, manifests itself in varied ways. Last but not least, as is well known, plastic surgery can be very dangerous, resulting in some irreversible injuries.Indeed, there are some individuals who have achieved success in their career or life with the help of plastic surgery, but it must be pointed out that they belong to the absolute minority and that their success depends far more than their improved physical appearance.Taking into consideration all the above-mentioned, we may safely come to the conclusion that plastic surgery is definitely unnecessary for normal people. We should focus more on our inner world and try to attract others with our personality and intelligence.


发布时间:2017-06-11 14:41:21l.Weak-willed people never climb to the top.They crumble at the slightest use of force against them.Strong-willed people, on the other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed ultimately.模拟训练三A Campaign SpeechGood morning, everyone:I am a sophomore student.I am especially honored in having this chance today to work out a new prospect of our Student Union.As for the position of President, I find I am quite qualified.Firstly, I do possess the ability required of this post.In the past 2 years, I have been serving as Class President, and I know the importance and art of management.In addition, my personality fits ideally in for the past.I have been growing up in a loving environment, nursing an optimistic nature out of me.And in my dictionary, there is no such word as difficulty .Last but not least, nothing can be more important than my various hobbies in helping build up a teamwork with fellow students.My fellow students, if I am fortunately chosen to be President by you, I ll do my utmost.I ll work to build up a fantastic teamwork to better the efficiency of the Union and better serve the student body.More exciting and significant activities are awaiting you to participate in.I won t let you down.Thanks for your attention.


1). 我国有权修改宪法的国家机关是( )。A.中共中央B.最高人民法院C.全国人民代表大会D.国务院正确答案:C答案解析:《宪法》第62条规定,全国人民代表大会行使下列职权:(1)修改宪法 故本题选C。2). 公文的特点主要有行政性、( )。A.作者的固定性B.执行的时间性C.格式的规范性D.处理的程序性正确答案:ABCD答案解析:公文的特点主要包括行政性、作者的固定性、执行的时间性、格式的规范性、处理的程序性。所以本题选ABCD。3). 权为民用,纵然是清风两袖,自当流芳百世传佳话;利为己谋,即便有豪宅千顷,也会遗臭万年殃后人。 这副对联给我们的启示是( )。A.人的价值就在于创造价值B.实现人生价值需要价值观指引C.个人应在与社会的统一中实现价值D.价值判断和价值选择具有社会历史性正确答案:C答案解析:题干中的对联告诫人们不要只考虑个人,应为大众办事。从人生价值的角度看,C项符合题意。